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Blobby Volley

Games doesn't necessarily have to be highly advanced to be fun, and this game can easily be categorized as simple fun. You are in control of a small blob, and the point of the game is to play volleyball with another blob on the other side of the net. You try to hit the ball over to him, and he tries to hit it back. If he can't do that within three touches of the ball, you win a point, and vice versa. You can play two players against each other, either on the same computer or over a network, or you can play against three different levels of computer controlled blobs.

You download the game as a .zip-file, a compressed file. This file has to be decompressed, or unzipped using a program like WinZip to the folder on your computer where you wish to keep the game. Then you start the game with the file called "volley.exe". The game starts out in german, but you can swith to english by pressing "English please" on the screen.

Blobby Volley screenshot

Version N/A