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War Rock

War Rock screenshotWar rock is a FPS where you play on one of two teams that combat over several checkpoints on a map. The more of these checkpoints your team controls, the faster your enemy loses his point. And When the opposition has no more points, then your team wins. The checkpoints can also be used as 'spawnpoints', places where you can start again after you have died. You have unlimited lives, so here it's going to be non stop action all the way

In War Rock you earn points when playing, and theese points can be used to purchase enhancements like new weapons, the ability to carry more weapons, the ability to run faster and so on. You can also purchase these points on the War Rock website, but this is not necessary. It is fully allowed to play the game completely for free, something most of the players choose to do.

To play the game, you'll first need to register on the website so that you get your username and password. This is done in just a couple of seconds, and then you'll be on your way to the battlefield!

War Rock doesn't have it's own download server, but if you click the button below, you'll be sent to's server where you may download the game.

Version 04082008