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Have you ever accidentally had a file deleted from your harddrive, and discovered that it is not in the trashcan? Even though it might seem like you have no other options, there may still be hope. When you delete a file from your harddrive, no data are actually deleted. The data remains, but the computer flags that area of the harddrive as available, so that it can be used when other files needs to be written to the drive. But if no data have been written over the old data of the file you have deleted, then you can possibly recover the file.Recuva Screenshot

Recuva is a utility that will search through the parts of your harddrive that is flagged as "available", and tries to find all fragments of the file you are looking for. If it finds all the fragments, and no data has been overwritten, it can restore the file for you.

Of course, Recuva has the greatest chance of succeeding if it is used as soon as possible after the file has been deleted. Then there is less chance that the blocks of data has been overwritten by later write operations.

Recuva is also available in a portable version for users of LiberKey.

Version 1.37.488
ProducerPiriform Alternatives
Size3.686 kb
Relevant sitesDocumentation
Open sourceNo
Specal requirementsNone
RequirementsRuns on Microsoft Windows 7, Vista, XP and 2000. Including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.